aaron GitHub

The LowRider CNC

!!! warning This is for an old version of the Low Rider. The current version is HERE

The LowRider CNC is my answer to you that want a full 4’x8′ sheet router, or of course you can go smaller. If the MPCNC is not big enough for you this picks up where that left off.


Size Calculator

This CNC router can handle any length, the Y direction is only bound by your table length.

Width (X direction) seems to be just about maxed out at a little over 4′ using .065″ thick stainless X rails. I see no reason to push it further if you try it out let us know how it goes and why you did it.

The Z direction (height) is best kept to a 3″ maximum for wood, with that being said, you can make the usable z length as much as you want you will be working from the bottom up, so go to town.

Feel free to round up to whole numbers.

Calculator for table, rail, and belt lengths.


All quantities shown in the drawings are for each assembly, not total quantities.

Center Assembly

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Z Assembly

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Side Assembly

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